Sunday, January 3, 2010

Asana Practice...

Its not about what you can do with your body, what position you can or cannot get into.

What it is about is how deep can you go into yourself.

Put your mind at rest. Follow the Breath.

Can you touch that place inside that is the authentic self?

Can you dissolve the physical, mental, and emotional tension to get to the essence of who you really are?

Can you find rest? Be a refuge unto yourself?

Its not that I don't love to see what this gift of a body can do, all the amazing shapes and forms, how ecstatic it can feel to move this way and that. But let's not loose sight of the real treasure, here.

Congratulations. Today is your inauguration day. Are you ready to receive the throne, bend your head down low and let yourself be crowned, King or Queen of your own inner palace, in the bedazzling temple of crystalline purity. The king/queendom, the fully activated rainbow body of light. Can you rightly don the Divine robes of Sovereignty, exquisitely adorned with calmness and patience, integrity, truth, justice and compassion? Can you hold the heart fire chalice of true love in the consecrated sanctum of the inner chamber of the heart? Do you accept this esteemed honor and responsibility as keeper of the sacred flame? To be a beacon of light to all beings everywhere. I do.